seven steps to all-round business improvement
Inside the Organisation: Strategy & Vision; Business Systems; Values & Culture; Organisational Processes; People Outside the Organisation: Customers, Suppliers and the Public; Business Environment
There are seven core themes, and each contains a further seven, more detailed themes. There are 49 components in all (hence the name: 7x7=49). Each BKG programme, whether it is part of the regular Business & Knowledge Gym or a programme focused on specifically on the needs of clinical leaders is underpinned by the 7-SQUARE model. The individual topics covered in the model are outlined in the table, below.
Organisational Processes - here we look at how you get things done. This is all about the internal processes that enable you to deliver products and services. We believe that key to success is quality and efficiency, and we'll help you to deliver more better for less. In other words, we'll help you drive up quality whilst becoming more efficient. Business Systems - this is another set of internal processes, but these enable you to better manage your organisation. In many ways, these are the lifeblood of your organisation - financial processes, information systems, the way you plan, and how you monitor how well you're doing. Values & Culture - this section provides you with a sense of who you are and what you are about. Culture determines how things get done and helps you to define which activities are the most important to you. Strategy and Vision - this section looks at your sense of direction nad purpose. Why are you in business and what do you hope to achieve? This is missing from many smaller organisations, and without a sense of direction, it is easy to become lost. At its most basic, this is about setting up a business plan. At its most compex, this is about basing business decisions on a set of principles that enable you to take your organisation towards your vision. People - your employees, colleagues and associates are probably the core of your organisation - delivering your promises. This section looks in detail at how to get the most out of your most valuable resource both now and in the future. Do you manage your team effectively? Are your employees fully engaged in what you need them to do? Customers and the Public - without customers you have no business. This section looks outside the organisation to the market and your customers. How is your relationship with them? How well do you understand what your customers want? Are you listening to them? This section will enable you to build a better relationship with your current customers and help you develop strategies to attract new ones - and therefore grow your business. Business Environment - this section gives you a sense of place. You will better understand the plethora of forces at work outside your business that impact upon it. It is through developing a keen awareness of your suroundings that you are able to adapt your organisation and therefore compete.
The 7-Square model will help you understand more about your business: who you are, where you are, where you are going and what you need to achieve. Then, it will enable you to develop and put in place a plan to improve all aspects of your business so that you get there. The model provides a very detailed analysis of your organisation.
Starting with the BKG Self-Analysis, we'll determine both your personal strengths and areas for improvement along with those of your organisation. For more information about the 7-Square model, and how it can help you, contact the Business and Knowledge Gym team. Alternatively, take the test yourself, download the assessment form, complete it and sendit back to us - in complete confidence. Download Self-Analysis Here.